Quick Start Tutorial

There are three main ways of using Chiplotle:

  1. Command line: an interactive mode where you type in commands one at a time and the plotter executes them immediately.
  2. Python script: you create an Python script that generates the desired Chiplotle commands and sends them to the plotter.
  3. HPGL pipeline: you send pre-existing HPGL commands from a file to the plotter using Chiplotle as a simple serial interface.

Running Chiplotle from the command line

An easy way to get a feel for Chiplotle is to directly enter some commands via the command line. Start Chiplotle by typing chiplotle from the terminal:

$ chiplotle


If you’ve installed Chiplotle using git, make sure the chiplotle/scripts directory is in your PATH variable so that your system knows about Chiplotle’s scripts.

The chiplotle script is a simple convenience script that does two things:

  1. It loads the Python interpreter.
  2. It finds all the plotters connected to your computer, instantiates their corresponding software interfaces and assigns these to the plts list variable. The first plotter found is also assigned to the plotter variable for convenience. i.e., if you only have one plotter you can call plotter instead of plts[0].


If your plotter type is unrecognized, the function will display a list of plotters that Chiplotle knows about for you to choose from. Select the one that most closely matches the plotter ID identifying your hardware. If there is no match, you can use the generic Plotter, although you should be aware that some HPGL commands may not work with your hardware.

Chiplotle will then print out some basic information about your plotter(s), including drawing area and memory. Now it’s time to plot!


Let’s pick up a pen. In HPGL, the command to pick up a pen is SP, which stands for “select pen”. In Chiplotle we instantiate an instance of that command like so:

chiplotle> hpgl.SP(1)

Many HPGL commands take one or more parameters; if a command takes parameters you put them inside a set of () after the command name. SP takes a pen number, so to select pen 1 we pass 1 as a parameter as we did above.


Remember that you can always refer to the Chiplotle API for information on the HPGL commands and its required parameters. You can also use the Python help( ) function to find information about any Python object. Thus, to learn what parameters you need to pass to a command you can type:

chiplotle> help(hpgl.SP)

To pass the command to the plotter, you use plotter.write( ). So:

chiplotle> plotter.write(hpgl.SP(1))

Your plotter should pick up pen one. Some common commands, like SP, can be directly sent from the plotter. i.e., the plotter has methods equivalent to some of the HPGL commands. Such is the case of SP:

chiplotle> plotter.select_pen(1)

This effectively instantiates a SP command instance and send the command to the plotter.

Now let’s move the pen. To move the pen while it is in the up position, you use hpgl.PU([(x,y)]), and to move the pen while it’s down you use hpgl.PD([(x,y)]). x and y are the coordinates you want to move the pen to. If you want to do a PU or PD without moving, just pass a blank set of coordinates. So to draw a square you might do something like:

chiplotle> plotter.select_pen(1)
chiplotle> plotter.write(hpgl.PU([(100,100)]))
chiplotle> plotter.write(hpgl.PD([(200,100), (200,200), (100,200), (100,100)]))
chiplotle> plotter.write(hpgl.PU([]))

There are plotter shortcuts for PU and PD:

chiplotle> plotter.pen_up([(100,100)])
chiplotle> plotter.pen_down([(100,100)])

To replace the pen and have a look at your magnificent square, you select pen zero:

chiplotle> plotter.select_pen(0)

Running Chiplotle from a Python script

Simple drawings can be done by hand from the command line, but you’ll quickly find that it’s much easier to put your commands into a Python script so that you can edit them, rerun them, etc. And of course since you’re writing in Python, you can use all the features of the language in addition to the Chiplotle commands.

It’s very easy to create a Python script with Chiplotle commands. The first thing to do is to import the Chiplotle library. So open a new text file and type:

from chiplotle import *

Next you want your script to run the Chiplotle setup routine and import the plotter definitions:

plts = instantiate_plotters( )

If you only have one plotter (or only care to use one plotter) you can get the first and only plotter in the list returned by instantiate_plotters( ), like so:

  plotter = instantiate_plotters( )[0]

Now you can simply enter a series of Chiplote commands::

  plotter.write(hpgl.PD([(200,100), (200,200), (100,200), (100,100)]))

and save your script as a .py file (see examples/square.py for an example). To use your new program just run it as you would any Python script:

$ python square.py

A slightly more sophisticated Python script that draws a random zigzag:

from chiplotle import *
import random

plotter = instantiate_plotters( )[0]


coords = [(x, random.randint(0, 1000)) for x in range(0, 1000, 10)]


See the .py files in the examples and scripts folders for some more elaborate examples.

HPGL pipeline

If you already have a file containing HPGL commands (from a CNC design package, old design data, etc), you can use Chiplotle to send those commands to your plotter. Your HPGL file will be a text file with commands like:


To plot the file while running Chiplotle you can use the plotter’s own write_file(filename) method:

chiplotle> plotter.write_file('my_file.hpgl')

You can also plot the file from the command line without first running Chiplotle by using the plot_hpgl_file.py script found in the scripts folder:

$ plot_hpgl_file.py my_file.hpgl

Chiplotle will take care of all buffering and timing issues, so even large HPGL files should plot reliably. See examples/media/square.hpgl for a sample HPGL file.